Inascoltable - Archivio [...] - Imponderabilia- Incontro [...] Poster - Paz! - Piazza [...] Book

Tre Colonne - Le ultime [...] Audio recording - Manifestazione [...] Video recording - A/traverso


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is the creator? Inascoltable schema:creator Skiantos
Who Who is the publisher? Inascoltable schema:publisher Harpo's Bazaar
Who Who are the band members? Skiantos schema:member Roberto "Freak" Antoni; Fabio "Dandy Bestia" Testoni; Gianni "Lo Grezzo" Bolelli; Leonardo "Tormento Pestoduro" Ghezzi; Bubba Loris; Stefano "Ringo Starter" Sarti; Franco "Frankie Grossolani" Villani; Andrea "Andy Bellombrosa" Dalla Valle; Mario "Come-Lini" Comellini; Stefano "Sbarbo" Cavedoni
Where Where has been published/released? Inascoltable schema:locationCreated Bologna
When When has been published/released? Inascoltable dcterms:available 1977
What In what language is the content? Inascoltable schema:inLanguage italian
What What is composed of? Inascoltable schema:track Permanent flebo; Lieve affranto (Moderato dolore); Io ti spacco la faccia (dal vivo); Makaroni; Io sono un pestone; Non puoi troncarmi un rock; Permanent flebo (reprise); Sono rozzo, sono grezzo; Blues a Balues; Io vi odio; Spacco tutto; Inascoltable (strumentale); Io te la do su; Tutti fatti
What What is the duration? Inascoltable schema:duration 37 min 35 sec
What What is the genre? Inascoltable schema:genre Punk; Comedy Rock
What What is the material format/medium? Inascoltable dcterms:medium Musicassette
What What is the title/name? Inascoltable dcterms:title Inascoltable
What What is the type? Inascoltable schema:albumReleaseType Album


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is preserving it? Archivio […] crm:P50 has current keeper Istituto per la storia e le memorie del Novecento Parri E-R
Who Who is the creator? Archivio […] oad:isProducedBy Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso
Who Who is the founder of the collective agent ? Federico Governatori org:headOf Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso
Where Where is described? Archivio […] oad:hasEntry
Where Where the collective agent is based? Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso eac-cpf:hasPlace Bologna
When What time coverage has? Archivio […] oad:date 1977-2003
What In what language is the content? Archivio […] oad:hasLanguageScriptsOfMaterial italian
What What are related documents? Archivio […] oad:isDescribedBy Fabio Frigieri, Inventario Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso, 2010. Inventario [Dattiloscritto, pp. 4]
What What are the dimensions? Archivio […] oad:hasExtentAndMedium 0,5 metri lineari complessivi - 5 pezzi (buste, registri, mazzi, etc.) 
What What is the description level? Archivio […] oad:hasLevel fonds level
What What is the title/name? Archivio […] oad:title Archivio dell'Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso
What What is the name of the collective agent? Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso eac-cpf:named Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso
What To what event is related? Pier Francesco Lorusso death lode:involved Archivio dell'Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who has performed? Imponderabilia crm: P14_carried out by Marina Abramovic/Ulay
Who Who is the creator? Imponderabilia dcterms:creator Marina Abramovic/Ulay
Where Where has been performed? Imponderabilia crm: P7_took place at G.A.M.
When When has been performed? Imponderabilia crm: P4_has time span 1977
What What is the current name? GAM crm:P27_was origin of MAMbo
What What has influenced it? Imponderabilia crm:P15_was influenced by Historical period
What What is the duration? Imponderabilia crm: P191_had duration 90 min.
What What is the subject? Imponderabilia dcterms:subject Eroticism
What What is the title/name? Imponderabilia crm: P102_has title Imponderabilia
What What related work has been produced? Imponderabilia dcterms:hasVersion Rai1 recording
What To what is related the duo foundation? Performance duo crm: P95_was formed by Relationship


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is the commissioner? Movimento Studentesco crm:P14_carried_out_by
Movimento Studentesco
Who Who has printed it? Incontro [...] Poster dcterms:publisher, crm:P14_carried_out_by Litografia Savelli
Who Who is preserving it? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P_50_has_current_keeper Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna
Where Where has been printed/created? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P7_took_place_at Roma
Where Where is preserved? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P54_has_current_permanent_location Bologna: Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna
When When has been printed? Incontro [...] Poster dcterms:created 1977
What What are the dimensions? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P43_has_dimension 100x70 cm
What What is about? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P129_is_about Incontro Internazionale 23-35 Settembre
What What is the technique of realization? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P32_used_general_technique Offset Lithography
What What is the title/name? Incontro [...] Poster crm:P102_has_title Bologna 23, 24, 25 settembre - Incontro internazionale contro la repressione per un nuovo ciclo di lotte - Libertà per i compagni arrestati

PAZ! (Movie)

Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who are the producers? Paz! schema:productionCompany Tangram Film, RAI Cinema, Stream, I.T.C. Movie
Who Who has a cameo in it? Paz! schema:performerIn Freak Antoni, Frankie hi NRG, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti
Who Who has collaborated in it? Paz! schema:contributor Production Crew
Who Who has played in it? Paz! schema:actor Cast members
Who Who is the director? Paz! schema:director Renato De Maria
Who Who is the distributor? Paz! schema:publisher Mikado film
Who Whose is the soundtrack? Paz! schema:musicBy Skiantos, CCCP
Where Where has been produced? Paz! schema:countryOfOrigin Italy
Where Where has been shooted? Paz! schema:locationCreated Bologna
When When has been created? Paz! schema:dateCreated 2002
What In what language is the content? Paz! schema:inLanguage Italian
What What has inspired it? Paz! schema:isBasedon Le straordinarie avventure di Penthotal (A.P. comic)
What What is the subject? Paz! schema:about Andrea Pazienza


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is the creator? Piazza [...] Book bf:Agent Autori vari
Who Who is the electronic version distributor? Piazza [...] Book bf:distribution Internet Archive
Who Who is the item holder? Piazza [...] Book bf:heldBy Archivio Grafton
Who Who realized the expression? Piazza [...] Book rdae:P20448 has_creator_collective_agent_of_expression Autori vari
Where Where the electronic version is located? Piazza [...] Book bf:electronicLocator Internet Archive
When When has been the work created? Piazza [...] Book bf:Date 1977
What In what language is the content of the expression? Piazza [...] Book rdae:P20006 has_language_of_expression Italian
What In what language is the content of the work? Piazza [...] Book bf:language Italian
What What are the dimensions? Piazza [...] Book bf:digitalCharacteristic 23,6 MB
What What is about? Piazza [...] Book lode:Illustrate Convegno di Bologna del 23/24/25 Settembre
What What is the encoding format? Piazza [...] Book bf:digitalCharacteristic UTF-8
What What is the format? Piazza [...] Book bf:digitalCharacteristic EPUB
What What is the item mark? Piazza [...] Book bf:shelfMark ark:/13960/t5r80w22c
What What is the title of the work? Piazza [...] Book bf:Title Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola
What What type of content does the expression have? Piazza [...] Book rdae:P20001 has_content_type Text/Images

TRE COLONNE. Sculpture

Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is preserving it? Tre Colonne crm:P_50_has_current_keeper MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
Who Who is the creator? Tre Colonne dcterms:creator Arnaldo Pomodoro
Where Where is currently located? Tre Colonne crm:P54_has_current_permanent_location Bologna: MAMbo
Where Where was it previously located? Tre Colonne crm:P53_has_former_or_current_location Pesaro: Sculture in Città
Where Where was it previously located? Tre Colonne crm:P53_has_former_or_current_location Bologna: Piazza Verdi
Where Where was it previously located? Tre Colonne crm:P53_has_former_or_current_location Bologna: GAM
When When has been created? Tre Colonne crm:P4_has_time-span 1969
When When has been located in a place or moved? Tre Colonne crm:P4_has_time-span 1972 [Pesaro > Piazza Verdi]
When When has been located in a place or moved? Tre Colonne crm:P4_has_time-span 1990 [Piazza Verdi > GAM]
When When has been located in a place or moved? Tre Colonne crm:P4_has_time-span 2011 [GAM > MAMbo]
What What are the dimensions? Cilindro costruito crm:P43_has_dimension 500 x ø 70 cm
What What is the material? Cilindro costruito crm:P45_consists_of Bronze
What What is the technique of realization? Cilindro costruito crm:P32_used_general_technique Bronze Casting
What What are the dimensions? Colonna intera recisa crm:P43_has_dimension 260 x ø 70 cm
What What is the material? Colonna intera recisa crm:P45_consists_of Steel
What What is the technique of realization? Colonna intera recisa crm:P32_used_general_technique Steel Casting
What What are the dimensions? Mole circolare crm:P43_has_dimension 500 x ø 70 cm
What What is the material? Mole circolare crm:P45_consists_of Black Cement
What What is the technique of realization? Mole circolare crm:P32_used_general_technique Cement Pouring
What what did the item became symbol of? Tre Colonne lode:illustrate Bolo '77
What What is composed of? Tre Colonne crm:P46_is_composed_of Colonna intera recisa; Cilindro costruito; Mole circolare
What What is the alternative title (aka)? Tre Colonne dcterms:alternative Totem
What What is the title/name? Tre Colonne crm:P102_has_title 3 Colonne
What What related work has been produced? Tre Colonne dcterms:relation 3 Colonne (Honolulu)

LE ULTIME VOCI DI RADIO ALICE (12 MARZO 1977). Audio recording

Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who has collaborated? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:contributor Valerio Minnella
Who Who is the creator? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:creator Radio Alice
Who Who is the publisher? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:publisher
Who Who is involved in the event? 11-12 March Bologna riots lode:involvedAgent Radio Alice
Who Who is part of the collective agent? Fratelli Minnella org:memberOf Radio Alice
Where What is the spatial topic? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:spatial Bologna
Where Where the collective agent is based? Radio Alice schema:address Via del Pratello, 41 Bologna
When What is the temporal topic? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:temporal 1977
When When has been published? Le ultime [...] Audio recording schema:datePublished 2016
When When has been recorded? Le ultime [...] Audio recording schema:dateCreated 1977
When When the collective agent has been founded? Radio Alice schema:foundingDate 1976
What To what event is related? 11-12 March Bologna riots lode:involved Le ultime voci [...] Audio recording
What What related work has been produced? Alice è in paradiso dcterms:relation Radio Alice
What Who is the director of the related work? Alice è in paradiso schema:director Guido Chiesa
What In what language is the content? Le ultime [...] Audio recording schema:inLanguage italian
What What are the access rights? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:accessRights Freely Accessible on the web. Re-use licence not declared
What What is about? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:subject Free radios
What What is the duration? Le ultime [...] Audio recording schema:duration 00:24:43
What What is the title/name? Le ultime [...] Audio recording dcterms:title Le ultime voci di radio Alice (12 Marzo 1977)


Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is preserving it? Manifestazione [...] Video recording crm:P50 has current keeper Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico
Who Who is the creator? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:isProducedBy Unitelefilm
Who Who is it about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasAccessPoint Zangheri, Renato
Who Who is it about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasAccessPoint Armaroli, Silvano
Who Who is it about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasAccessPoint Salizzoni, Angelo
Who Who is the founder of the collective agent? Ugo Gregoretti org:headOf Unitelefilm
Where Where can be accessed? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:existenceAndLocationOfCopies
Where Where is described? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasEntry
Where Where is it about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasAccessPoint Bologna
Where Where is it about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasAccessPoint Emilia Romagna
Where Where the collective agent is based? Unitelefilm eac-cpf:hasPlace Roma
When When has been created? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:date 1977
What To what event is related? 1977, 16th March confederal Unions manifestation lode:involved Manifestazione contro [...] Video recording
What How is it organized hierarchically? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasFilePlan Filmoteca e Videoteca/PCI - Unitelefilm/Unitelefilm - Film non finiti
What In what language is the content? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasLanguageScriptsOfMaterial italian
What It is in color? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:physicalCharacteristicsAndTechnicalRequirements color
What What is about? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:scopeAndContent Le immagini riprendono la manifestazione […]
What What is the description level? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasLevel document level
What What is the duration? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:hasExtentAndMedium 00:07:00
What What is the material format/medium? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:physicalCharacteristicsAndTechnicalRequirements cd-rom
What What is the title/name? Manifestazione [...] Video recording oad:title Manifestazione contro i disordini all'università. Bologna, 16 marzo 1986
What What is the name of the collective agent? Unitelefilm eac-cpf:named Unitelefilm

A/TRAVERSO (Magazine)

Question Subject predicate Object
Who Who is the founder? Franco Berardi rdaa:P50696 A/traverso
Who Who is the founder? Maurizio Torrealta rdaa:P50696 A/traverso
Where Where has been published/released? A/traverso schema:location Bologna
When When has been published/released? A/traverso dcterms:date 1975-1988
What In what language is the content? A/traverso dcterms:language Italian
What What is the alternative title (aka)? A traverso dcterms:alternative A traverso
What What is the frequency? A/traverso dcterms:accrualPeriodicity irregular
What What is the material format/medium? A/traverso dcterms:medium printed text
What What is the title/name? A/traverso crm:P102_has_title A/traverso
What What is component of? Article frbr:partOf A/traverso
What To what event is related? Bolo '77 lode:involved A/traverso