
"'77: pistole, culi e tette."


First draft Bolo 77 LOD
In the context of the complex, libertarian and creative 1977 Movement, Bologna represented a key spot where political events and disorders, as well as the cultural environment and creative happenings, deeply left their mark on the collective memory of a nation and became the opening of a new season in Italy's history.
On 11th March, after a contestation made outside a Comunione e Liberazione meeting, the police was sent down the streets and the demonstrations degenerated into violence. The overreaction of the police led to the death of the medicine student and exponent of Lotta Continua, Francesco Lorusso, killed in Via Mascarella. In the immediately following day, shocked sympathizers and activists started converging spontaneously in Piazza Verdi and decided to march as protest. Francesco Cossiga, Interior Minister, decided then to send armored vehicles in the city center, accentuating de facto the political conflict.
Radio Alice, a popular free radio that had followed all the events of the previous days by broadcasting live phone calls from students in the streets, was forced to close after the police irrupted in its small studios.
These events provoked several reactions: from the demonstration organized on 16th March by trade unions to ban the riot protests, to the so-called Manifesto against repression signed by Jean-Paul Sartre and other French intellectuals, such as Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.
Nevertheless, at that same time, Bologna was scene for flourishing creativity and cultural production. It was the time of Lucio Dalla's Com'è profondo il mare as well as of Inascoltable, debut album of the fathers of italian comedy punk-rock: the Skiantos. In June, Marina Abramovic and Ulay performed their fundamental Imponderabilia at GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna. Or, again, on 23rd-25th September, hundreds of thousands of young people transformed the city into a stage for any kind of cultural enterprise and into an occasion for discussing the future of the Students' Movement: the huge Convegno internazionale contro la repressione ended with a procession and a show by Dario Fo in Piazza VIII Agosto.
And these were only few of the events that took place in such a brief time-span. The aim of our project is to express such a super-fertile context by investigating some semantic interconnections between people, places, events and concepts somehow related to this subject. The result is what we called BoLo(D) '77: Bologna 1977 in Linked Open Data.

The Items

After a brainstorm activity over our scenario idea, we had to choose the items to work on for our project. A lot of interesting and suitable things came into our minds, both from associative thoughts, prior knowledge and researches: in fact, innumerable items could perfectly express and bear witness to the crucial political and cultural events happened in Bologna during 1977. Finally, we opted for the ten ones that could better illustrate the wide range of items within the LAM domain, as well as those that could offer some variety of metadata standards in their web-based description.
For each item, we provided a brief contextualization and we highlighted its typology together with the cultural institution that that described it.
Finding descriptions and further information related to the Imponderabilia performance (1977) by Marina Abramovic and to the triptych Tre Colonne (1969) by Arnaldo Pomodoro, required further screening activity: that is why we directly contacted some institutions such as Teche Rai and MAMbo (ex-GAM).
For one item, the audio recording of the last broadcast from Radio Alice - 12th March 1977 -, not already described by cultural institutions, we decided to create a formal description from scratch within BoLo(D) '77, due to its strong relevance for the facts of Bologna 1977.

Inascoltable Music tape cover

Music album

Full record from: MusicBrainz.
The one and only, the first - and today impossible to find - first album by the fathers of Comedy Rock (aka 'Rock-Punk Demenziale' in italian): the Skiantos.
Uno, due, sei, nove! was were it all began for them, during a September night in Bologna.

Pmk58 - Opera propria. Lapide in ricordo dell'uccisione di Francesco Lorusso a Bologna - CC BY-SA 3.0

Archivio dell'Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso.
Archival Fond

Full record from: IBC Archivi.
On the 11th March, during the demonstrations and disorders after a protest out of a CL meeting, the young medicine student and Lotta Continua activist Francesco Lorusso was shoot to death in Via Mascarella. The Archive of the homonymous Association is kept by Istituto Storico Parri since 2006.

Abramovic and Ulay, Imponderabilia, 1977, Source


Full record from: Dome MIT Library.
The artists Marina Abramovic and Ulay carried out their fundamental and destabilizing performance Imponderabilia in June 1977 as the access gate of an exhibition at GAM - Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Bologna. The institution recently became MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna.
Access the performance recording from Youtube.

Manifesto locandina Bologna 23, 24, 25 settembre - Incontro internazionale... da, banca dati open access della Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna (Bologna) -

Incontro internazionale contro la repressione per un nuovo ciclo di lotte.

Full record from: Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna.
The original and graphically effective poster publicizing the famous Convegno internazionale contro la repressione that took place in different locations around the city on 23rd-25th September 1977.
The meeting was inspired by the protests of March and organized by the Students' Movement (Movimento Studentesco).

Maximilian Mazzotta (Fiabeschi) in Piazza Maggiore (foto di scena) © 2008 Cineteca del Comune di Bologna


Full record from: Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna.
A delirious and yet faithful depiction of the 1977 Bolognese atmosphere. A movie by Renato de Maria (2002), based on the work of the Comic artist Andrea Pazienza.
Protagonists, some of its most famous characters, such as Penthotal, Zanardi and the mythical Fiabeschi.

Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola book cover from MLOL CC-PD

Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola.

Full record from: Internet Archive.
Hundreds of thousands of young people transformed the city into a stage for parties, theatrical and musical representations, political or cultural enterprises of all kinds, while, within sports halls, the most politicized groups were struggling hard on the future of the Students' Movement.
This books collects some documents, images and chronicles from the 23rd-25th September meeting.

Tre Colonne. Arnaldo Pomodoro. Collezione Contemporanea MAMbo © Comune di Bologna

Tre Colonne.

Full record from: MAMbo.
The triptych by Arnaldo Pomodoro, known by any Bolognese as "i Totem", became a real symbol of the three days long International Conference and of 1977's lifestyle.
The Tre Colonne (3 Colonne) went through a tormented existence and witnessed many moves around the city, the most important of which was their removal from Piazza Verdi in 1990: students used to use them as structure for tent camps where to sleep, as notice board for advertising and political leaflets and so on.

Manifesto Sui muri di Bologna qualcuno ha scritto: Radio Alice Figli di Puttana

Le ultime voci di Radio Alice.
Audio recording

Full record from: BoLo(D) '77.
In the evening of 12th March, the police irrupted into the building where Radio Alice was located, Via del Pratello 41, and cleared it out.
The Bolognese radio station, founded in 1976 and yet one of the most famous free radio in the whole Italy, was forced to close on the same day. The irruption was recorded and broadcasted in its entirety.
Access the item from

Frame from Manifestazione contro i disordini all'università AAMOD video recording.

Manifestazione contro i disordini all'università.
Video recording

Full record from: AAMOD.
On the 16th March, few days after Lorusso's murder, trade Unions and Bologna's mayor Renato Zangheri organized a demonstration in Piazza Maggiore against the violence of the previous days. More than one hundred of thousands of people came from the whole Emilia.
Francesco Lorusso's brother, Giovanni, and ten thousands other students, were not admitted into Piazza Maggiore: they met in adjacent squares on the same day.
Access the item from Youtube.

La rivista A/traverso; - Fonte: Bologna Rock 1979 Pensatevi liberi - Mambo 2019


Full record from: ACNP.
Underground Magazine, founded in Bologna in 1975 by the homonymous self-defined "Maodadaist" University Collective. Many of the members of the collective were also part of the editorial team of Radio Alice.
It is considered the most relevant magazine within the italian counterculture of the 70s.
It kept on shocking with its peculiar communication style and avant-garde pagination until 1985.

Conceptual Map and E/R Model

So to start with our Knowledge Organization process, we represented our domain scenario and the ten selected items through a Conceptual Map. Some crucial people, places and events that make our entities highly interconnected with each other were necessarily pointed out already at this stage.
A second step was the abstraction of the model through a formalization i.e. an Entity-Relationships Model (E/R Model). Both the maps can be seen below here.

Conceptual Map

E/R Model

Metadata Analysis

In most of the cases, the metadata standards used to describe the items chosen by their cultural institutions were quite aligned with the typical ones in the LAM domain: ISBD and MARC21 for bibliographic records; ISAD(G), ISAAR(CFP) for archival contents; Dublin Core (DC) for the performance Imponderabilia - as described by MIT; MMD for the MusicBrainz record of Inascoltable.
As previously mentioned, we also provided within BoLo(D) '77 complete description of Radio Alice's last broadcast recording thorough the use and comparison of MARC21, ISBD and DC standards.
Nevertheless, when the standards were not explicitly stated nor self-evident, we decided to pick the most suitable and yet coherent ones according to the items' type. Thus, we decided to apply DC for the digitized version of the book Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola and explore CIDOC-CRM for Pomodoro's 3 Colonne and for the movie Paz!.

Item Type Source FRBR level Metadata declared or applied
1. Inascoltable music album MusicBrainz expression and manifestationsMMD declared
2. Archivio dell'Associazione Pier Francesco Lorusso archival fond IBC Archivi itemISAD(G), ISAAR(CFP), ISDIAG, EAD, EAC-CPF, EAG, DC declared
3. Imponderabilia performance MIT manifestation DC (self-evident record)
4. Bologna 23, 24, 25 settembre - Incontro internazionale... poster IGER print manifestation ISBD (NBM) declared
ISBD consolidated ed.applied
5. Paz! movie Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna expression applied
6. Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola book Internet Archive digital manifestation DC applied
7. Tre Colonne sculpture MAMbo item CIDOC-CRM, FRBRoo applied
8. Le ultime voci di Radio Alice audio recording BoLo(D) '77 digital manifestation MARC21, ISBD, DC applied
9. Manifestazione contro i disordini all'università. Bologna, 16 marzo 1977 video recording AAMOD item ISAD (G) and ISAAR (CPF) declared
10. A/traverso magazine Acnp manifestationMARC21 (self-evident record)

Metadata Alignment

Who - Where - When - What

We then proceeded with the alignment of those classes and predicates, coming from different metadata standards, that we found most suitable for our purposes. We decided to display the result of our alignment by means of four tables, each focusing on a precise aspect of the information related to our items: people (who), places (where), dates and events (when), other information, concepts and subjects (what).


individual creator 1.4 Statement of responsibility 100 - Main Entry - Personal Name dcterms:creator crm:E39_Actor frbroo:F10_Person artist (artist, name) 2.1 Name of creator(s) schema:director (for movies)
collective creator 1.4 Statement of responsibility 110 - Corporate Name; 111 - Meeting Name dcterms:creator crm:E39_Actor frbroo:F11_Corporate_Body artist (artist, name) 2.1 Name of creator(s) schema:author
collaborator 1.4 Statement of responsibility 700-720 - Added Entry dcterms:contributor NA NA NA NA schema:contributor
publisher 4.2 Name of Publisher, Producer and or Distributor 260 $b - Name of publisher, distributor, etc. dcterms:publisher crm:E39_Actor frbroo:F11_Corporate_Body labels (label) NA schema:publisher
preserving institution NA 850 $a - Holding institution dcterms: rightsHolder crm:E74_Group frbroo:F11_Corporate_Body NA NA schema:holdingArchive (for archives)
printer 4.5 Name of printer or manufacturer 260 $f - Manufacturer NA crm:E39_Actor frbroo:F11_Corporate_Body NA NA NA
producer NA NA dcterms:contributor NA NA labels (label) NA schema:productionCompany; schema:producer; schema:funder
commissioner 7.1.4 Note on statements of responsibility NA dcterms:contributor crm:E39_Actor frbroo:F11_Corporate_Body NA NA schema:sponsor; schema:funder
performer/player NA NA dcterms:contributor crm:E21_Person frbroo:F10_Person artist (artist, name) NA schema:actor; schema:performer
founder/director NA 700-720 - Added Entry dcterms:contributor NA NA NA NA schema:founder


place of placement NA 852 - Location NA crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place NA NA NA
place of preservation NA 852 - Location NA crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place NA 5.1 Existence and location of originals NA
place of publishing 4.1 Place of publication, production and/or distribution 260 $a - Place of publication, distribution, etc. NA crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place Country tag (release-country, area, area-name, area-type) NA NA
place of realization (unpublished) NA 264 #0 $a - Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture dcterms:spatial crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place Country tag (release-country, area, area-name, area-type) NA schema:locationCreated
place of previous placement NA 852 $d - Former shelving location dcterms:provenance crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place NA NA NA
place of realization/material reproduction 4.4 Place of printing or manufacture 260 $e - Place of manufacture dcterms:spatial crm:E53_Place frbroo:F9_Place NA NA NA
depicted place NA 651 $a - Geographic name dcterms:spatial NA NA NA NA schema:contentLocation


date of material production/printing 4.6 Date of printing or manufacture 260 $g - Date of manufacture dcterms:created crm:E52_Time_Span frbroo: F29_Recording_Event NA 1.3 Date(s) schema:dateCreated
date of publishing 4.3 Date of publication, production and/or distribution 260 $c - Date of publication, distribution, etc. dcterms:issued crm:E52_Time_Span frbroo: F30_Publication_Event date (release-date) NA schema:datePublished
date of creation (unpublished) NA 264 #0 $c - Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice dcterms:available crm:E52_Time_Span frbroo: F28_Expression_Creation NA NA schema:dateCreated
date of placement NA NA dcterms:date crm:E52_Time_Span crm:E52_Time_Span NA NA NA
depicted time 648 $a - Chronological term dcterms:temporal NA NA NA NA schema:contentReferenceTime


title/name 1.1-3 Title (proper, parallael, complement) 20X-24X - Title and Title-Related Fields dcterms:title crm:E35_Title crm:E35_Title title (release-title) 1.2 Title schema:name
alternative title NA 246 - Varying Form of Title dcterms:alternative crm:E35_Title crm:E35_Title NA NA schema:alternativeHeadline
color presence 5.2.4 Presence of colour 300 $b - Other physical details; 340 $g - Color content NA crm:E1_CRM_Entity crm:E1_CRM_Entity NA NA NA
dimensions 5.3 Dimensions 300 $c - Dimensions dcterms:format crm:E54_Dimension crm:E54_Dimension NA 1.5 Extent and medium of the unit of description (quantity, bulk, or size) schema:materialExtent; schema:size
duration 5.1.5 Playing time 306 - Playing Time $a dcterms:extent crm:E54_Dimension crm:E54_Dimension duration 1.5 Extent and medium of the unit of description (quantity, bulk, or size) schema:duration
format/medium 0.2 Media type; 7.0.1 Note on content form and media type 337 - Media Type; 007/00 (Category of material) dcterms:medium crm:E57_Material frbroo: F3_Manifestation_Product_Type Format Attribute (release-medium, release-medium-format) NA schema:encodingFormat
frequency 7.0.3 Note on frequency 008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-General Information - 18 - Frequency; 310 $a-Current publication frequency dcterms:accrualPeriodicity NA NA NA NA NA
genre NA 380 $a Form of Work dcterms:type crm:E55_Type frbroo: F3_Manifestation_Product_Type Genre tag NA schema:genre
language 7.1.2 Note on nature, scope, form, purpose or language 377 - Associated Language; 008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-General Information - 35-37 - Language dcterms:language crm:E56_Language crm:E56_Language Language attribute (release-language) 4.3 Language, scripts of material schema:inLanguage
licence 7. Note area NA dcterms:license NA NA NA e schema:conditionsOfAccess; schema:license
material NA 340 $a - Material base and configuration NA crm:E57_Material crm:E57_Material NA NA schema:material
relationship Note on supplements, inserts, etc. NA dcterms:relation crm:E22_Human-Made_Object frbroo: F5_Item NA NA schema:isBasedOn
sound presence 5.2.6 Presence or absence of sound NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
subject NA 6XX: Subject Access Fields dcterms:subject crm:E1_CRM_Entity crm:E1_CRM_Entity NA NA schema:subjectOf
subparts NA NA dcterms:hasPart crm:E22_Human-Made_Object frbroo: F5_Item track-list, track NA schema:hasPart
support 5.1.2 Specific material designation 338 - Carrier Type; 007/01 (Specific material designation) dcterms:medium crm:E1_CRM_Entity crm:E1_CRM_Entity Format Attribute (release-medium, release-medium-format) 1.5 Extent and medium of the unit of description (quantity, bulk, or size); 4.4 Physical characteristics and technical requirements NA
symbol of NA NA NA crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume crm:E92_Spacetime_Volume NA NA schema:about
technique 0.1 Content Form; 7.0.1 Note on content form and media type 337 - Media Type; 007/00 (Category of material) NA crm:E55_Type frbroo: F3_Manifestation_Product_Type NA NA NA
type 0.1 Content Form; 7.0.1 Note on content form and media type 336 - Content Type; Leader /06 (Type of record) dcterms:type crm:E55_Type frbroo: F3_Manifestation_Product_Type Type attribute 1.4 Level of description NA

Theoretical Model

After having produced our metadata alignment, we developed a Theoretical Model to express in natural language and through a graphical visualization all the information we had regarding our items - i.e. their metadata - and to point out additional related entities and links. We focused mainly on integrating information about people, events or additional items that we did not cover in previous steps: so to say, some of the many possible entities related to BoLo(D) '77 core.
We also drew an enhanced version of our E/R Model as for adding the new crucial interconnecting nodes and relationships among our entities.

Theoretical Model

E/R Enhanced

Conceptual Model

The Conceptual Model we drew is a formalization of the previously made Theoretical Model. We typed the edges that constitute our graph i.e. we substituted them with predicates from existing ontologies to express the relationships among our items, places, events and people. We started from our metadata alignement and, when the items were described with standards that are immediately transable in an ontology or that have a strong connection with an existing ontology, we thought it was the most natural choice to adopt these: e.g. Dublin Core for Imponderabilia.
We chose OAD - Ontology for Archival Description and EAC-CPF for archival items; BibFrame and DC were used for our bibliographical items. We also found out that a more precise description of Comic related properties was possible by means of the predicates from a specific ontology i.e. the Comic Book Ontology.
A versatile and yet detailed ontology such as was chosen for those items that didn't have an original explicit metadata description i.e. Paz! and Radio Alice's recording. Its predicates were used also for the Inascoltable Music Album: at first glance we thought about the Music Ontology but, after a detailed analysis of the documentation, we thought it was not enough stable, clear nor detailed.
CIDOC-CRM together with FRBRoo were our choice for many properties, especially for those items directly connected to the museum environment or in general for cultural heritage information; this was also due to the fact that they allow the description of cultural objects by different points of observation i.e. at different ontological levels. For example, we completely modelled in CIDOC-CRM/FRBRoo not only the possible core of our Knowledge Domain and Graph BoLo(D) '77, but also Pomodoro's 3 Colonne: we thought it was coherent with the nature of the resource and that it could perfectly express some events related to the troubled history of the sculptures e.g. changes of holdings, locations and moves, their particular techniques of production etc. Even though more recents versions of the two ontologies were available at the time of writing, we decided to use only the officially closed and published editions: v. 7.0.1 for CIDOC-CRM (October 2020) and v. 3.0 for FRBRoo (September 2017).
Due to the centrality of interconnected events for our subject - within a determined time-span -, as well as of collective agents, we decided to explore in depth some specific ontologies. For events, we analysed LODE: An ontology for Linking Open Descriptions of Events and The Event Ontology: we used both of them because, even if Lode was more directly related with the OAD ontology already used for archival documents, the latter includes a really suitable "subEvent" property for illustrating the structure of our theme. 1977 in Bologna was indeed composed of many crucial subevents: we could, though, illustrate single episodes within it e.g. Lorusso's Murder, Radio Alice's closure and the International Meeting of 23rd-25th September. Finally, we also took advantage of ontologies for people, groups, organizations and individual/collective agents, such as FOAF or The Organization Ontology.
As it is shown below, we realized an overall Conceptual Model with formalized predicates for our domain, but also went in depth analysing and modelling a detailed version of each item with classes and properties. Together with the yED - the software we used throughout our workflow for maps creation and modelling - we took advantage of the Graffoo - Graphical Framework for OWL Ontologies palette.

Conceptual Model


Data Representation and RDF Production

As final part of our workflow, we went back to our data. A table with formalized predicates was produced for each item and, for better usability and practicity, we diplayed these on a specific separate page.

This preliminary step allowed the proper Knowledge Representation of BoLo(D) '77 through RDF production. To serialize our RDF triples we chose Turtle, due to its readability and widespread use in the LOD world.
We minted URIs for our entities by dividing these into items, places, events and agents. For each main group, further categorization was applied in order to name the entities. We followed common approaches in Knowledge Representation and Ontology Creation, trying always to be coherent, consistent and unambiguous.
For practicity, we wrote triples about a sample of our items. We chose, nevertheless, those items that are more transversally interconnected with each other, for some direct or indirect reasons, through places, events or people: i.e. 3 Colonne, Inascoltable, Piazza Maggiore era troppo piccola and the poster Incontro Internazionale contro la repressione.
For referencing, we used the owl:sameAs property with VIAF, WIKIDATA and LCCN - Library of Congress Linked Data Service Authorities for people and items. For places, we linked our entities to GeoNames. For controlled forms of genres, artistic techniques and materials we referred mainly to LCCN controlled forms of names, with some precious integrations offered by WIKIDATA.
In order to create additional semantic relations, we linked items and agents - both people or institutions - to their related Webpages or Wikipedia voices through the predicate foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf, as for making it possible to deepen one's knowledge about a topic or entity. We also deepened into some partitive interconnections when describing Pomodoro's 3 Colonne: we linked Bologna's triad to its twin exemplar in Honolulu (dcterms:relation) and we additionally distinguished, within the landmark, the three single sculptures that constitute it (crm:P46_is_composed_of), each with its specific extent, material and technique.

RDF Visualization

Lastly, we created a visualization of the resulting Knowledge Graph, thanks to the RDF Grapher service.

RDF visualization


Meet the official team of BoLo(D) '77: DHDK Master's Degree first year's students with different backgrounds...

Camilla Neri

Passionate about storytelling and visual narration, lover of comics and books, holds a degree in fine arts and is now navigating the realm of digital humanities.

Ilaria Rossi

Holds a BA in Philosophy and a Music Degree in Saxophone. Currently exploring the DHDK realm.
Early music, philosophy of language and Logic lover.
Transdisciplinary and creative by nature.

Alisia Zarbo

Books-addicted since childhood; she loves nature, loneliness and doing things with her time. She can't stand prejudice, sexism and competitiveness.

Enrica Zani

Librarian since years, explorer from birth. Fascinated by languages, art and design, encoding, automation, acrobatic tricks, and botany.
Travel addicted currently in rehab.